When is the best time to buy ? The short answer is NOW, or better still yesterday.
How often have you heard someone say " I wish I'd bought that place back in 2009. It was $100,000
less then " ?
It's natural to feel cautious when embarking on a major financial decision and we are grateful for the trrust you place in us when looking to find the best property for you.
Sometimes when considering the timing for investing in real estate it is a matter of not necessarily finding the 'perfect place' that ticks every box but of considering lots of properties that meet your criteria and can act as a stepping stone to your dream home or investment.
It is hard to go wrong with real estate when you take a medium to long range view and consider your move into the market as a form of savings not unlike superannuation. You're in it for the long term capital gain - ( one of the few that still tax free !) , the security of having your own home and to create a financial wall of security for yourself and your family.
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